Leadership Organizations

Student Council

Is a club organization wherein members are in charge of planning many school activities, such as spirit rallies, dress downs, and social events (snowball, freshman picnic, frosh frolic etc.)

National Honor Society

Its purpose is to promote the four pillars of service, scholarship, leadership, and character. Its members strive in every way by word and deed to be model students and to give unsparingly of their time and energy towards the promotion of all school activities.


A leadership organization allowing students to create relationships with others throughout the world while promoting the message: "service above self."  Works closely with the rotatry club of Guam.

Girl's Scouts

Helps girls develop their full individual potential in a nurturing environment.  Each member contributes to the improvement of society through their abilities, leadership skills and cooperation with others.

Academic Organizations

Science Club

Teaches girls who are interested in learning about all scopes of science by using hands-on STEAM activities

Coding Club

Grants students the opportunity to learn and explore the fundamentals of computer science. Members can learn critical thinking and practice problem solving skills.

Math Club

A leadership organization allowing students to create relationships with others throughout the world while promoting the message: "service above self."  Works closely with the rotary club of Guam.

Mock Trial

Allows students to participate in rehearsed trials. these trials are nationwide competitions in which high school students around the world practice and compete in courtroom scenarios

National Forensic League

An interscholastic organization made to help students enter the the world of competitive speech and debate.  From theatrical interpretations to heated debates and expressing your own beliefs and opinions.

Spanish club

Organization that focuses on learning and understanding more about Spanish culture and tradition.

Academic Organizations

Walking Nuns

 Under the guidance of Sister Dorothy Lettierre and the hardworking compassionate students, they are able to change the life of the homeless brothers and sisters by going out into the streets during lunch time and help as much as they can.


Part of a global volunteer organization that participates in local projects benefitting women and children who suffer from the effects of poverty.  Our mission is to empower young women to take action and make positive changes in their lives and their community.

Green Club

Aims to be advocates for the environment by promoting sound practices and raising  awareness for the environment.  Our members engage in routine recycling duties and beach clean ups.

Life Guards

We are about saving lives! We go by what biology says: human life begins at fertilization. So human lives must be protected from the womb to the tomb

Marketing Team

Compassionate sisters that promote school as a community through 8th grade recruitment, campus appearance and social media.

Altar Servers

Serving the Lord through their assistance during School Liturgies.

Extra Curricular Organizations

Pacific Dance Club

Promotes and preserves cultures throughout the pacific.