Classes in the Academy are small with a student-teacher ratio of 17:1, which promotes a more individualized learning atmosphere.

Academy students excel in both academic and athletic endeavors. Students benefit from various teaching strategies that maximize student learning and address unique learning styles. The teachers facilitate learning by providing experiences which are motivating and challenging to the students. The school’s Science, Technology, and Resource (STaR) Wing is equipped with numerous computer labs, state-of-the-art Science Labs, and a spacious Library. Students have access to the use of technology throughout the school campus via Wi-Fi. Through various methods, students at the Academy are given the tools needed to nurture and enhance learning.



The minimum requirement for graduation from the Academy of Our Lady High School is 23.0 units of credit, plus the credits earned in Theology. Students must complete all required courses as prescribed by the Territory of Guam, the Archdiocese of Agana, and the school.


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Numerous clubs and a variety of social events are available at the Academy to enhance a student’s academic life


The core of the school library media program is to shape life-long learners.  As life-long learners, our students are information literate, that is, skilled at using the growing array of available information and producing information in a variety of formats.