The Academy of Our Lady of Guam family at the 70th Anniversary Mass Celebration held on September 24, 2019.
Commemorating its 70th Anniversary as the only all-girls college preparatory high school on Guam, the Academy of Our Lady of Guam celebrated Mass on September 24, 2019 at the Cathedral-Basilica. The Academy family present at the Mass consisted of students, faculty and staff, administration, alumnae, Governor Lou Leon Guerrero ’68, Speaker Tina Muña Barnes ’80, Sisters of Mercy, Archdiocese Office of Catholic Education Superintendent Juan Flores, AOLG Advisory Board members, benefactors, donors, and many other supporters. The main presider, Fr. Tom McGrath, S.J., during his homily spoke of how merciful God is to the Academy and its students, and in turn, these students and alumnae share their mercy, not only on Guam, but also in different parts of the world. He spoke of how the Academy alumnae take the character and gifts learned while at the Academy to be inspiring to others with their faith and love expressed in their merciful deeds. After the Mass, those present took a group picture to honor this important moment in Academy’s history. In lieu of providing and hosting a celebration feast, the school chose to focus their efforts on the students’ Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy acts in our community. If you are interested in joining as part of Academy’s “circle of mercy” and sharing your gifts this 70th year, please contact the school at 477-8203 or acad@aolg.edu.gu. Thank you so much for 70 years of sharing mercy and providing a table of plenty for those in need.
Pictured with Administration are members of the AOLG Staff. Pictured left to right: Bernie Flores-Burrier ’76, Mary A.T. Meeks ’69 (AOLG Principal), Jonifer B. Cepeda ’79, Becky Rios, Rosalind Borja ’69, Sr. Orlean Pereda, RSM ’69, Sr. Mary Angela Perez, RSM ’64 (AOLG President), and Polly A. Cruz ’64.