SY 2023-2024

“We are the Power of Diversity.”
Senior Ava Dungca wins the 2024 Department of Youth Affairs Oratorical Contest. This year’s theme was “Breaking Boundaries, Building Bridges: The Power of Diversity”. Ava is the first person to ever win this distinguished contest twice!

Four Academy of Our Lady of Guam students received full-tuition scholarships from the Jane Wha-Young Kim Scholarship on Friday, March 8, 2024. The scholarship was established in
2007 in memory of Jane Wha-Young Kim, who was one of the victims of the Korean Airlines Flight 801 crash in Guam on August 6, 1997. Congratulations to all student recipients!
3rd Annual Slam Poetry Contest
The students shared their memories, emotions, and messages on the theme of “Food” while enjoying free hot cocoa.
Thank you to the anonymous alumnae for sponsoring the event and for giving the English Department the opportunity to host this event.
Congratulations to our winners:
1st: Micah Lacson
2nd: Moana San Nicolas
3rd: Aelah Frianeza
Best Poem: Akaya Wilson
Best Performance: Micah Lacson
Audience Favorite: Micah Lacson

AOLG Alumnae Give Thanks and Give Back
Blessings abound for the Academy of Our Lady of Guam as alumnae continue to give thanks and give back to their alma mater. On December 8, 2023, the Ecube sisters, Cynthia ’80 and Angela ’88, both who are alumnae of the school, have annually been donating in their parents’ names to the school’s scholarship fund. The sisters are grateful to have been blessed with the education and support they received from their parents, Dominador+ and Rebecca, especially while they attended the Academy.
Mercy Week Celebration
The Academy of Our Lady of Guam is proud to have celebrated Mercy Week in a special manner last September 18 – 22, 2023. It was a wonderful commemoration where students gathered together in honor of the sisters of Mercy who have been serving our school community. Moreover, students were encouraged to take action through committing themselves to one of the Critical Concerns of Mercy which is the preservation of our environment and planet Earth. At the culmination of the week-long celebration, the school community was blessed with a special Celebration of the Holy Mass, which served as a perfect ending to a memorable week. .

SY 2022-2023
AOLG Scholarship Student Recipients
Three Academy of Our Lady students were recently awarded scholarships. Scholarships are awarded based on a donor’s request, grade point average, and financial need each year. Some scholarships may be based on donor selection after reviewing submission of interested students’ essays. Throughout the year, Academy alumnae give back through scholarships to help promulgate the Academy Legacy and to ensure the valued quality Catholic education for the young ladies who are part of the “sisterhood”. Kudos scholarship recipients for your accomplishments!

Mercy Action Marianas Ltd. (MAML) Scholarship recipient Deniella East- Garcia.
Pictured left to right: (Seated) Sr. Mary Brigid Perez ‘59 (MAML Board Member), RSM, Deniella East-Garcia (MAML Scholarship Recipient), Sr. Cabrini Taitano ‘60, RSM (MAML Board Member), (Standing) Iris Gaza ‘00 (AOLG Principal), Dr. Rita Duenas ‘88 (AOLG President), Edna Hardy (MAML President), and Bernie Burrier ‘76 (MAML Board Member.)
Mercy Action Marianas Ltd. (MAML) Scholarship recipient Gabriella Pangelinan.
In addition to our online classroom, we also offer an option to take part in a live classroom. It takes place in our vast campus located in Westfield, London. Here you’ll be able to use the most up-to-date facilities and computer equipment.

Pilar Poblacion Malilay Scholarship Recipient Jenny Cruz.
(Seated) Ely Salonga (mother), Jenny Salonga Cruz (Malilay Scholarship recipient), Evelyn Salonga (aunt), Rosita Salonga (grandmother), ( Standing) Iris Gaza ‘00 (AOLG Principal), Agnes Malilay White ’79, Dr. Janice Malilay ‘80, and Dr. Rita Duenas ‘88 (AOLG President).

AOLG Students Awarded with Academic Honors from College Board National Recognition Programs
Congratulations to our own Caraleena Hodosky and Lolita Blaz, who each are part of the 62,000students from across the country to earn academic honors from the College Board’s National Recognition Programs! These National Recognition Programs grant underrepresented students with
academic honors that can be included on college and scholarship applications and connect students with universities across the country, helping them stand out during the admissions process. Colleges and scholarship programs use these honors to identify students from underrepresented groups through College Board’s Student Search Service.
Caraleena Hodosky, Senior and recipient of the National Hispanic Recognition Award (NHRA), and Lolita Blaz, Senior and recipient of the National Indigenous Award (NIA), were both honored and excited to receive their respective awards. Each earned this recognition by excelling on their PSAT/NMSQT, PSAT 10, or AP Exams and in their classrooms. Students who may be eligible have a GPA of 3.5 or higher and have excelled on the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10, or earned a score of 3 or higher on two or more AP Exams; and are African American or Black, Hispanic American or Latinx, Indigenous, and/or attend school in a rural area or small town. Eligible students are invited to apply during their sophomore or junior year, and are awarded at the beginning of the next school year.

We are pleased to announce that Isabella Claros and Gianna Aguon are the recipients of the Lifelong Learner Scholarships for SY 2022-23, funded by Aurora Wong (née Jose, Class of 1969) and herhusband, Buck. Said Aurora, “I fell in love with learning at the Academy. My teachers, mostly Mercy nuns, inspired me because of their love of teaching and their love of God. It is our sincere hope that Isabella and Gianna discover that learning helps them deepen their understanding of self in the larger context of purpose and service. Who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing? Where am I going? You will ask these questions over and over again in your lifetime. Then one day, it will be revealed to you that these questions can only be answered by the Word. Buckle up, ladies, for a wondrous journey, and God bless you both!”

SY 2021-2022 NEWS
Good morning Cougars! This is the early morning greeting at the Academy of Our Lady campus to start each school day. In the case of August 6, 2021, this early morning greeting welcomed everyone back on campus for a much anticipated new school year.
As students arrived on campus, administration, faculty and staff greeted students while temperatures were taken and social distancing was in place. The new school year was refreshing for the Academy campus with its return to face-to-face learning. The school currently has a comfortable enrollment of 330 students who are a part of the sisterhood and help grow and promulgate the Academy Legacy.
The return to face-to-face learning was welcomed by all who had to adjust to distance learning during the height of the pandemic. As students went through their first day of the new school year, it was a treat to be able to interact and have lunch with friends, in spite of the 3-feet distance requirement, the use of face masks, or speaking with each other through plexi-glass dividers.
As the Academy begins its 73rd school year, we welcome our students on campus and embrace our many alumnae who helped make the school what it is today, “A legacy of faith-based academic excellence preparing women for success.” The school has over 5,500 alumnae since its foundation and continues to grow with its newest class, the Class of 2025.

Commemorating its 70th Anniversary as the only all-girls college preparatory high school on Guam, the Academy of Our Lady of Guam celebrated Mass on September 24, 2019 at the Cathedral-Basilica.

On Saturday, September 21, 2019, the Academy of Our Lady of Guam Student Council donated $300 to Erica’s House in the name of the Religious Sisters of Mercy.

Sophomore student, Jasmine Sun, was selected to represent Guam at the June 24, 2019 Congressional Art Contest.

New students were served breakfast in their honor, to welcome them to their new home. Shown pictured are 9th Graderswith Sr. Mary Angela Perez, RSM ’64, President.