Academy of Our Lady of Guam

Making a World of Difference In Our Journey Towards Excellence

Get to Know Us

The Academy of Our Lady of Guam is a fully accredited college preparatory Catholic high school for young women.   The school’s curriculum provides a complete development for  young woman. Centrally located in the capital of Hagatna, Guam, the environment of the Academy surrounds itself with governmental, religous and business communities.

Academy students excel in  academic, religious and athletic endeavors.


Academy students excel in academic endeavors. Students benefit from various teaching strategies that maximize student learning and address unique learning styles.

Faith and Service

Academy students are encouraged to not only learn about the Catholic faith. They are given the opportunity to put it into practice by the various opportunities to serve the community.


The Academy fields interscholastic level teams of various sports. Our interscholastic teams have traveled to Japan for the Far East Asia Tournaments in both volleyball, basketball and cross country.

Soccer Schedule

Paddling Schedule

Track and Field Schedule

AOLG NHS Camarin Chapter Welcomes Newest Members

The Academy of Our Lady of Guam (AOLG) recently inducted twelve members into the National Honor Society, Camarin Chapter. An official Chapter of the U.S. National Honor Society established in 1921, members are selected based on the embodiment of the four NHS pillars: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. The late Sister Mary Mark Martinez, RSM when she was the principal, established the NHS Camarin Chapter at AOLG in 1965. The Camarin Chapter has approximately over 800 members and honorary members. NHS membership includes recognition of accomplishments as well as the responsibility to be role models for other students and young adults. Congratulations to the new members!